
Hey everybody!  Do you like the Board game nights?  Here is a strategy game we developed while on vacation- yup.  We got our original materials from a store in the sticks of Northern Wisconsin, including two decks of cards, 5 dice, some ninja figures, and different textured paper for land types.  I used a rubber band and two pencils to make a compass and remembered how to make hexagons from geometry class in 9th grade.
On our website you will find rules for different games that you can play with the Ninjas gaming system, images for print, and links for all the materials to make your own ninja game!  We've played it with tons of friends, and it is a hit.  A great mix of chance, strategy, and resource management.  Look for the updates!  Also, we will include other ninja games using the same materials, and variations in the future.  We will even post your games that you make with the materials so that others in the Ninjas Board Games community can try them out.

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